Did you know that Rivera (Uruguay) and Santana do Livramento (Brazil) are “sister cities”? They are separated only by “International Avenue”, and this geographical proximity and strong integration result in a unique and peculiar relationship. Uruguay and Brazil cooperate on many aspects, turning the region an example to be followed:

  • Shared services, such as public transportation, hospitals, and schools. Even a “binational” airport has been inaugurated (the first in Latin America).
  • The border is practically non-existent. Many residents live in one city and work or study in the other (free movement of people).
  • Mix of Uruguayan and Brazilian cultures. Most people speak Spanish and Portuguese (and of course “Portuñol”).

As a company created in Uruguay with expanding businesses in Brazil, Perceptiva’s choice for an investment in the region was only natural. Our team of bilingual professionals operates with the support of partner Tech institutions: UTEC (Uruguay) and IFSul (Brazil). As such, Perceptiva reinforces its objective of generating innovation and creating opportunities in both nations.